This project is an animated short that relies on the technical processes of 2D animation. The work uses these traditional techniques and the charming animated characters to evoke humor and reminisce a simpler time of the existence of children’s cartoons. This animation short explores the unlikely friendship between a baby Tyrannosaurus Rex and a bumble bee. Two very different creatures in nature, yet, something beautiful blossoms between them when the bumblebee saves the T-Rex from impending doom which the bumble bee indirectly causes.Bachelor of Fine Art
The short film "Sheepbulb" tells the story of a sheep, which is also a bulb, which is also an idea, ...
Airplane Ride is a hand-drawn 2D animated short about a young girl who goes on a magical airplane ri...
A Fish For A Friend is a 3D Animation Short Film about a baby bear who constantly approaches a boy f...
Good boy is a 3d animated short film about the loyalty between a man and his dog in a post-apocalypt...
My pet is a 6-minute animation short about an 8-year-old girl and her relationship with her first pe...
This creative project is a 3D animated short created in Softimage XSI. It tells the humoristic story...
Kite Might is a comedic digital 2D animated short aimed for kids. It tells the story of a pair o...
This paper looks into the process and development of the short animation “Bug” (April 2009), lookin...
This project was made to show how animation is not just a film but something that is able to invoke ...
Our animated short film, Lacuna, is a science fiction themed story of two robot pilots, a master and...
abstract: The purpose of this project was prove that animated characters have a unique appeal to the...
Play With Me! is a four minute 2D animated short which tells of an unlikely friendship between two d...
The subject of this Final Year Project is a 2D animated short film, Berry Nice. It tells the story o...
Illustration of bee with red and white background
Daisy is a 3D short animated film that portray a quarrel between Old Lady and Bull over a daisy flow...
The short film "Sheepbulb" tells the story of a sheep, which is also a bulb, which is also an idea, ...
Airplane Ride is a hand-drawn 2D animated short about a young girl who goes on a magical airplane ri...
A Fish For A Friend is a 3D Animation Short Film about a baby bear who constantly approaches a boy f...
Good boy is a 3d animated short film about the loyalty between a man and his dog in a post-apocalypt...
My pet is a 6-minute animation short about an 8-year-old girl and her relationship with her first pe...
This creative project is a 3D animated short created in Softimage XSI. It tells the humoristic story...
Kite Might is a comedic digital 2D animated short aimed for kids. It tells the story of a pair o...
This paper looks into the process and development of the short animation “Bug” (April 2009), lookin...
This project was made to show how animation is not just a film but something that is able to invoke ...
Our animated short film, Lacuna, is a science fiction themed story of two robot pilots, a master and...
abstract: The purpose of this project was prove that animated characters have a unique appeal to the...
Play With Me! is a four minute 2D animated short which tells of an unlikely friendship between two d...
The subject of this Final Year Project is a 2D animated short film, Berry Nice. It tells the story o...
Illustration of bee with red and white background
Daisy is a 3D short animated film that portray a quarrel between Old Lady and Bull over a daisy flow...
The short film "Sheepbulb" tells the story of a sheep, which is also a bulb, which is also an idea, ...
Airplane Ride is a hand-drawn 2D animated short about a young girl who goes on a magical airplane ri...
A Fish For A Friend is a 3D Animation Short Film about a baby bear who constantly approaches a boy f...